2022-2023 Cadet Quest

We’ve got big news! This year every club will be receiving 8 subscriptions to Cadet Quest magazine – FREE!

Already get the Quest? 8 subscriptions will be deducted from your auto-renew bill.

If your club needs more than 8 copies of the magazine, you can of course order more – just contact the Corps Office.

If your club can’t use all 8 copies of the magazine, we ask that you send copies home with the boys, or donate extra copies to a local library or little free library. Just get the Quest to boys.

If your club is financially blessed, feel free to pay for all of your Quests (including the 8 free subscriptions) to help us pay it forward to the clubs that need it.

Be sure to get your Counselor Editions so you can fully utilize the A and B lessons found in Cadet Quest magazine.

More information is available in the Fall Start-Up Packet for your club. If you have any questions or comments about Cadet Quest magazine, please contact info@calvinistcadets.org.