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Cadet Congress

Cadet Congress

The annual board meeting of the Cadet organization

Congressmen are the people who are given the task of making sure that the organization stays true to its mission statement – helping boys to grow more Christlike in all areas of life – and, as a Christian organization, that it is building a vibrant and spirit-filled future.

Each council is allowed to elect congressmen to represent them at this annual meeting. The number of congressmen that represent a council is dependent on the number of clubs in the council. Independent clubs are represented by the Independent Club Consultant.

The congressmen meet in West Michigan for three days every January to have visioning discussions, review programs and materials, approve a budget, elect executive committee members, participate in educational workshops, review recommendations, and review and vote on proposals.

Proposals come from the general membership of counselors (via their councils or for independent clubs, via the club consultant). Any active Cadet counselor can make a proposal to Congress for review by the executive committee.

Cadet Congress

Who are the congressmen?

They are counselors who are elected by their local council to represent their council at Congress. They are the “men in the trenches” who know how the tools and training of the ministry is utilized in the local club. Perhaps these men do not get a lot of recognition by worldly standards for their dedication to serving Him, but the Lord rejoices at their heart for bringing young men and boys before Him.

Cadet Congress

2020 Executive Committee

Front row (left to right): Jim Hoekstra, Chaplain; Randy TenBrink, Vice President; Scott Klooster, Visioning Team Rep.; Sam Bysma, Secretary
Back row (left to right): Gerrit Sterk, Treasurer; Ron Mohr, DYM Rep.; Dave Mast, President; Steve Bootsma, Executive Director; Rich VanVeen, DYM Alternate

The Executive Committee ensures that the decisions of congress are carried out by the staff, reviews proposals for congress, develops and oversees the budget, and makes decisions that affect how the work of the staff is accomplished.