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Independent Counselor Survey

Every counselor is being asked the same questions; we ask you to be honest in your responses, and not worry whether they match others from your church. Unless you specify, your responses will remain anonymous. Any personal responses given will be confidential.

For some questions you are asked about how the entire organization of Cadets is doing, please think big-picture, and not just how your local club operates.

Church councils will be receiving a separate survey. If they ask you for help, politely decline, as we are looking for their opinions separate from men actively involved with Cadets.

"*" indicates required fields

The Cadet organization is organized in such a way to best serve each individual club.*
The Independent Club Consultant role is ideal in supporting each individual club.*
The Cadet ministry maintains a proper balance with its place in the church and the world.*

Contact Info

If you would like to be contacted regarding your responses, or if you would like your answers connected to your club, please include any of the following.