2021 Ligonier Conference

The Calvinist Cadet Corps was present as an exhibitor at the 2021 Ligonier Ministries National Conference, March 18-20. Staff members Steve Bootsma (Executive Director) and Russ Roozeboom (Marketing and Promotions Coordinator) traveled to Orlando, Florida to represent the Cadets ministry, plant seeds, and make connections that will help Cadets grow.
Ligonier Ministries is “the teaching fellowship of R.C. Sproul” and “exists to proclaim, teach, and defend the holiness of God in all its fullness to as many people as possible.” Learn more: https://www.ligonier.org/about/
The conference theme was “Right Now Counts Forever.” Attendees were often reminded that God is at work in everything, including the current moment, so that what we do in the present matters forever.
Over the course of the conference, Steve and Russ were able to talk to many people about the Cadets ministry. Some people heard about Cadets for the first time and were surprised to learn that the Cadets ministry has been around since 1952. Others had been Cadets or counselors themselves at some point and were happy to become reacquainted. Nearly everyone who stopped by the Cadet exhibit was excited to learn that Cadets is at work in the lives of boys and men around the world.
This is why the CCC sends representatives to conferences like this one. Our culture may suggest that nothing is of lasting significance, but as Christians, we know that God is at work all the time, now and forever, and so we must continue our work to spread and strengthen not only Cadets but God’s Kingdom. We hope that we were able to plant seeds of interest that will grow into meaningful connections and more Cadet clubs.
We want to plant seeds everywhere we can. Do you know of a conference or similar gathering where Cadets should exhibit or promote our ministry? Please let us know at info@calvinistcadets.org!
If you have comments or questions about this article, please let us know – info@calvinistcadets.org.