2022 March Cadet Quest


Hello, there! We’re just about to join March, and we’ve just sent out the March Quest issues. If you haven’t received it yet, you will be receiving it soon.

You’ll notice that the theme for this year’s March Quest is Ukraine. Now, this theme was picked well over a year ago, and we were just going to highlight the clubs that we have in Ukraine, not thinking at all about how world events might happen. We know that Ukraine’s been in the news a lot, and we pray fervently for not just Pastor Zoltan and his Cadet clubs there in the Transcarpathia region of Ukraine, but also all the boys and girls of his church that sometimes join them on activities, and the people of the entire country as they are going through this time.

We really encourage you to use this Quest with your boys. If you’re one of the cadets and you’re watching this video, look at this Quest and think of the people that are there, think about what’s going on, and tie that into what we’ve been talking about all year – God’s in control.

We say that regularly here. I’m in Grand Rapids, but whether you’re in Canada or the United States, or if you’re listening to this somewhere else, it’s often easy for us to say, “God’s in control.” Think of how it feels for those people right now in Ukraine. Think about how it felt for Joshua – he was getting ready for a battle that he did not think he could physically win on his own and he was told by God, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord our God will be with you wherever you go.”

That’s our prayer for the people of Ukraine. That’s our prayer for all of us right now – that we realize that God is in control, no matter what the world looks like.

Enjoy your magazine! Enjoy thinking about the boys and the girls and the fun activities we see them doing in our Quest pages. Until next time.


The theme for the March issue of Cadet Quest magazine is “Ukraine.” Join us as we take a closer look at this fascinating country. 

The table of contents lets you know what’s going on inside this issue. Be sure to look for the hidden objects scattered throughout the magazine.

Executive Director Steve Bootsma introduces the topic of Ukraine, mentions the two cadet clubs that meet there and reminds us that God is in control of their lives as well as ours.

The first article of this issue, “Where Man Tamed the Horse,” examines the history of horseback riding and its impact on society.

Everyone has to eat, but people eat different things depending on where they live. With this Cooking Fun page, you’ll learn how to make Ukrainian crepes.

Learn more about Cadets in Ukraine. They do some things differently than we do in North America, but they follow the same Cadet landmarks.

As usual, you’ll find the A and B Bible lessons (along with the included discussion questions and puzzles) in the middle of the magazine.

The craft project this month will have you going nuts in a good way as you make a colorful bird feeder.

The “Let’s Go to Ukraine” article will give you loads of fun facts about – what else? – Ukraine!

Get a good start on earning your Government badge by working through the exercises on this page.

This puzzle page will have you exploring all over Ukraine – follow the map directions for a complete tour.

The jokes page should give you and your friends a few laughs.

The Casey’s Cadre comic is also included – this month, Casey is putting together a speech – but for what?

That’s it for our overview of the March 2022 Cadet Quest magazine. To get the full story, you’ll have to read the whole issue. Until next month, enjoy Cadet Quest!

If you have any questions or comments about Cadet Quest magazine, please contact info@calvinistcadets.org.