Cadet Sunday 2023 – Supporting Materials
Cadet Sunday is traditionally the last Sunday in January, with Cadet Week often the week leading up to that Sunday. Your church is welcome, however, to observe Cadet Sunday on any Sunday that works best for you.
We encourage you to celebrate Cadet Sunday (whenever that Sunday may be), promote Cadets, and get Cadets involved in the church service in any way possible.
Corps has supplied you with a variety of supporting materials for Cadet Sunday. You can find all of them (and links to more) at
Feel free to use this Cadet Sunday litany based on the AMAZING theme. The full text is available on the Cadet Sunday web page for you to copy and paste into your own documents or presentation files as needed.
Sermon Notes
We asked a pastor to write up a few pages of notes based on our AMAZING theme. These “bits and pieces” will give your pastor some building blocks for a sermon that speaks to Cadets as well as congregations.
Bulletin Covers/Inserts
Various sizes of bulletin covers and inserts are available for use in your church’s worship service. Order sooner than later to make sure you get your materials on time.
Children’s Bulletin
You can download and print this children’s bulletin filled with activities that fit well with the AMAZING theme.
We can always recommend “Living for Jesus,” but that’s not your only choice for Cadet-related songs during a worship service. We’ve put together a list of songs based on the AMAZING theme that will give you plenty of ideas.
Large versions of the theme logo and theme poster are available for download and use in your print or digital worship materials. Also included is a screen designed for projection that features our theme poster image with a summary of the goal of Cadets.

Cadet Involvement Ideas
Depending on the way your church is meeting, your method of involving the Cadets in the worship service may vary widely. Ideally, churches would be meeting in person and the boys could be part of the worship service by acting as greeters, ushers, and sitting as a group at the front of the church.
If your church is streaming worship services, you may have the opportunity to insert presentation slides (from PowerPoint or similar) into the stream at some point. This could include screens with more info on your Cadet program, the Cadet landmarks, or even pictures and testimonies from the boys and counselors in your club.
If you have the capability, consider recording videos of your cadets. Again, these can be of the landmarks (you could even edit several cadets together to make one recitation of the landmarks), or short testimonials from the boys and counselors about what they like about Cadets. You will want to consult with your church’s audio/visual team to find out what is feasible.
However – and whenever – you are able, we hope you get the chance to celebrate Cadet Sunday, promote Cadets, and get Cadets involved. If you have more ideas, questions, or comments, please let us know at