Dive into the Word – 2020-2021 Cadet Theme
2020-2021 Theme
Our theme for the 2020-2021 Cadet season is “Dive into the Word.” This theme is based on the New Living Translation of Psalm 119:162 “I rejoice in your word like one who discovers a great treasure.” Throughout the year, cadets will be encouraged to spend time reading the Bible and exploring the scriptures more deeply.
Cadet Quest and Theme Lessons
This theme will also be emphasized throughout the year in the Cadet Quest magazine, particularly in the B Lessons of the Bible studies, as well as the counselor editions of these lessons. The September/October issue of Cadet Quest will have five lessons on the “Dive into the Word” theme, with one theme lesson in every following issue. New this year, these eleven theme lessons will also be available as a separate product, so you can use them without a subscription to Cadet Quest.
Supporting Materials
Additional supporting materials available toward the end of the summer and start of the new Cadet season include themed bookmarks and posters. The bookmarks make inexpensive but useful gifts that keep the theme in front of cadets. The posters boldly proclaim the theme while making a great addition to your Cadet bulletin board and/or meeting area. You will receive a smaller version of the poster in your fall start-up packet, along with instructions on how to order more/larger versions.

Theme Bookmark

Theme Poster
Badges and Awards
Distributing and displaying theme materials are only a few ways that your club can utilize the Dive into the Word theme. Junior Cadets might earn the Bible Memorization badge. The emphasis of the theme is a natural fit with any of the badges in the “Exploring God’s Word” section of the Recruit•Pathfinder•Builder Guidebook, but some that are especially appropriate include Bible Exploration, Bible Knowledge, Bible Study, or even History of the Bible. Remember that there are special award badges for Bible Memorization (100/250 verses) and Bible Study (5/15/30/50/66 books), as well as logbooks to help your cadets track their accomplishments.
Other Ideas
You can tie into this theme in other ways, too:
- Cadet Week/Cadet Sunday: We’ll be making more theme-related material – logo image files, projection screens, sermon notes, etc. – available for you to use during Cadet Week and Cadet Sunday. Look for these materials to show up online this summer. This year Cadet Sunday is January 24, 2021.
- Promote the Swimming and Water Safety badges
- Relate to anything to do with water
- Car wash, dunk tank, or diving “competition” fundraisers
- Swimming/Pool parties
Dive into the Word
However you utilize the upcoming theme, we hope it will encourage you and your cadets to make the time to study God’s Word. We pray that this theme will be used to reach boys in your church and community more effectively.